Monday, 9 March 2020

Kissaki Kai with Vince Morris


Get yourself to a Kissaki Kai club as soon as you can.

Are your Opinions Guided by prejudice  that doesn't allow you to consider differences
by not recognising that extreme differences exist within martial arts names

Get yourself to a Kissaki Kai club as soon as you can.

Take this scenario as an example; 
You may have every intention to attend a seminar in Kissaki Kai  particularly a seminar taught by Vince Morris. If you  had probably read a couple of Vince Morris books years ago,
but you are not a Shotokan student, and  are perhaps blinded by well founded anti Shotokan bigotry or a pro-Shotokan basis. You may decide before attending  that there is probably nothing to this guy.

He's Not Japanese 
Get yourself to a Kissaki Kai club as soon as you can.
After all, he is not  Japanese, if you follow a cult that demands and values this and as we all know, if you don’t have the right passport, your martial arts are rubbish…
But the years have passed, and you finally  learn that knowledge and wisdom know no national or stylistic boundaries.
If you joined a cult, your years of dogma and cult memberships  may be finally over.

I am not Japanese, he is not Japanese and I have never trained in a Japanese Martial Art

Kissaki Kai is a system 
Get yourself to a Kissaki Kai club as soon as you can.
So not really knowing what to expect, but hoping against all hopes that you might find someone who knew what he was talking about and could back it all up with practical, applicable with solid theoretical knowledge and actual hands on demonstrations. You have found Kissaki Kai.

Vince Morris
Get yourself to a Kissaki Kai club as soon as you can.
Vince Morris is a great martial artist and a great teacher. what he teaches is thoroughly thought out the way of moving, smoothly, quickly and devastating techniques. This is not just a collection of excellent techniques, but is primarily based on concepts and principles that can be applied by anyone from no martial arts background or any given style willing to invest some time in learning them (and its not style dependent or stuck in any classical rut).

So you have a Classical Background
Get yourself to a Kissaki Kai club as soon as you can.
If you are a classical martial artist the opening movements of the kata have puzzled you and its applications are a mystery to you, these questions that have been poking at your mind for years, are everyday applications in Kissaki Kai Clubs.

Ditch the impractical
Get yourself to a Kissaki Kai club as soon as you can.
You have probably wondered for years about the often impractical /ridiculous answers you would receive depending on the instructor. If he was Japanese, the answer would be ready prepare “kamae!”, if he was a westerner, the answer would be: “you are looking at the stars / mount Fuji contemplating the vastness of the universe”, or “you are gathering in ki /chi” or something equally wishy washy, to that effect.

Concepts not Techniques
Get yourself to a Kissaki Kai club as soon as you can.
Not today, not today, one of the Kissaki Kai Rules of combat ( warrior tactic principles )  is unbalancing your opponent and positioning him where he can be hurt most while reducing their attempts/opportunities  to hurt you, and to use a wonderfully effective and devastating technique to finish the confrontation.

You need a Partner
Get yourself to a Kissaki Kai club as soon as you can.
Kissaki Kai practitioners work intensively and with deep concentration.
 stopping occasionally for corrections, and usually in pair's  trapping knowledge and energy,
 raw fun and motivation, you may find the joy of discovering, a practical application based system and have some joy rushing  through your blood again.

Learn the Concepts
Get yourself to a Kissaki Kai club as soon as you can.
Within Kissaki Kai the footwork, energy generation, controlling the opponent in such a way as to make him predictable controlling the fighting distance or ma-ai, the proper use of stances, kyusho jutsu, mental attitude, and knowing that  a lifetime of studies may lay ahead if one is inspired to master these concepts  (many principles /Rules of Combat).

Age is not a disadvantage (it's a bonus)
Get yourself to a Kissaki Kai club as soon as you can.
Another surprising thing is his age.  people think that  Vince is in his fifties. Everything about him speaks of martial maturity and physical ability, his physical appearance, the way he moved, etc.
 If you have  the anxiety that age brings to us “the fear of aging” or fear of failing in martial artists.
  • Will I be able to keep up my training? 
  • Will my abilities start to diminish? 
  • Will I stop developing as a martial artist?
If you could move as devastatingly at your age , the way Vince sensei moves at 75 with the same effectiveness.

We want to help you to be the best you can be.
Get yourself to a Kissaki Kai club as soon as you can.
Seek out your nearest Kissaki Kai Club or Kissaki Kai Seminars with Vince Morris now.
Kissaki Kai is a system,  seek it out at Falcarragh Karate Club

Get yourself to 
a Kissaki Kai club 
as soon as you can.
                                   Get yourself to a Kissaki Kai club as soon as you can.

1 comment:

  1. Get yourself to a Kissaki Kai club as soon as you can.
