Check out pictures from belgium
Kissaki Kai Seminars 2013 October 2013
Kissaki Kai US Summer Camp 2013
7th – 9th JUNE 2013
Every year the Kissaki Kai Karate USA honbu dojo in Marlton New Jersey, holds a summer camp. Kissaki Kai members from dojos world-wide are invited to attend as well as Martial Artists, who are not directly affiliated with Kissaki Kai, but who are interested in the special approach to Karate that our organization takes.
This years Summer Camp used the Kissaki honbu dojo in Marlton, NJ. and the Blue Barn Recreation Centre. Many participants commented that this year in particular was an excellent event, with a lot of visitors from the UK, Ireland, Canada, CA, AZ, CO, GA, NC, VA, DC, TX OH, and CT.
This year as special guests, we had Sensei Chuck Merriman, the head of Jundokan and Sensei Elmar Schmeisser martial arts author & treasurer of ISOK.
Training literally kicked off at a fast pace on Friday evening with basic Kissaki training by Sensei Vince Morris and Sensei Matt Knorr to introduce and reinforce the basic concepts and "the rules of combat" and to get the hips moving. The three Saturday sessions were held at the Evesham/Marlton “Blue Barn” Recreation Center and for the main part dealt with weapons defences. Looking back historically, The need to defend against weapons would have been a major concern for anyone practicing self-defence in rural Okinawa or Japan. The fact that karate is regarded now as an empty hands defensive art, does not mean that it only deals with empty handed attacks! (that would be naive). Sensei Steve Montgomery amongst selecting rapid targeting techniques, taught the importance of good movement, practical tai sabaki and flow of power.
Sunday morning training sessions led by Sensei Steve Montgomery and Sensei Vince Morris utilised pads and included flow drills emphasising smooth movement and heavy hands and kicks rather than strength alone to the best cutting through effect and impact on the enemy.
Above are the Last standing at the Sunday concluding session.
Congratulations to Sensei Maziar Kakhi on his Sandan , Robin Scott on his Nidan, Carl Dann on his Nidan and Scott Underwood on his Shodan, who have taken understood and mastered the principles of Kissaki Kai Karate and have integrated it, into their personal art and teaching.
The Kissaki Kai Summer Camp 2013
this year had two special guests
Chuck Merriman and Elmar T. Schmeisser
· Chuck Merriman of Goju-ryu karate
Ranks: Kudan (9th dan) hanshi Okinawan goju-ryu karate do/jundokan, Okinawa; sandan (3rd dan) kodokan judo; and shodan (1st dan) hakkoryu jujutsu.
Ranks: Kudan (9th dan) hanshi Okinawan goju-ryu karate do/jundokan, Okinawa; sandan (3rd dan) kodokan judo; and shodan (1st dan) hakkoryu jujutsu.
Chuck Merriman is one of the founders of martial arts in the United States. He has served as Head Coach of the AAU National Karate Team and was a member of the AAU Coaching Committee. He served as Chief Referee for the Okinawan Karate Kobudo World Tournament in Naha, Okinawa (just one of many international competitions he has judged). He has been instrumental in popularizing karate competitions and in promoting his style of Goju-Ryu Former head of the AAU National Karate team; former head of the Transworld Oil Karate team; Chief Referee, WUKO World Championships in Tokyo, Japan., Appointed to the first W.U.K.O. Referee’s Council, Tokyo, Japan.
Once he spent time as a bodyguard for Dianna Ross and Gene Simmons (KISS)
Once he spent time as a bodyguard for Dianna Ross and Gene Simmons (KISS)
Sensei Merriman, shared his lifetime experience in the Martial Arts on Saturday 7th June , as the highest ranking person in North America in Jundokan, Goju-Ryu, we were greatly honoured! Some stories covered by sensei Chuck Merriman; included his reasoning about going back to the source as far as possible.
In the Jundokan, sensei Eiichi Miyazato did not insist that everyone trained the same way. He looked at the individual's size and abilities and trained them accordingly, as the application of technique will vary from person to person. He believed good Instruction should not insist that only one way works for the all student to apply the technique. Also he would say don't change kata, but develop new ways to use the same kata.
All bunkai is the product of personal research.
It shouldn’t be static throughout a lifetime and It may vary according to the person and experience. “Kata should be first analysed and then utilized.”
Kata is not about learning a routine. “Remember that most Professional dancers can learn it from scratch in a few minutes. For them it is just another dance routine.” Not about applications for karate it’s about application. Don’t make the mistake of relying on physical strength to make something work, because it will someday, be lost. Train in the technique that it will work for all ages, remembering there is a limit to how long physical strength alone can be made to work. Personal research should be a priority because everyone can use their training differently. And as a guide, look out for what is commonly held opinion amongst good instructors and authors.
Some of the stories are not for recounting here J
· Elmar T. Schmeisser, Ph.D., a renowned pioneer in the analysis and application of karate kata, is an Instructor certified by the American Teachers Association of the Martial Arts who began karate training in 1968 under such luminaries as Hidetaka Nishiyama. In addition to studying Shotokan karate-do, Dr. Schmeisser has years of experience in the Shukokai, Renshinkai, and Shorinji-ryu styles of karate as well as training in judo and two styles of aikido. He is a 7th degree black belt and Kyoshi of the International Society of Okinawan Japanese Karate-do and holds the rank of Shodan in Aikido.
After studying at the University of California at San Diego and the University of Massachusetts, earned his doctorate degree in Medical Physiology: Visual Electrophysiology and Psychophysics from the University of Florida. He currently resides and teaches karate in North Carolina.
Dr. Elmar Schmeisser has recorded striking and standing grappling interpretations of Channan-dai and Channan-sho, kata he discovered fortuitously from a non-karate stylist doing his own versions of the techniques. These kata are the root forms (or are related to the roots forms) of the wide practiced Pinan (heinan) kata.
Dr. Elmar Schmeisser has recorded striking and standing grappling interpretations of Channan-dai and Channan-sho, kata he discovered fortuitously from a non-karate stylist doing his own versions of the techniques. These kata are the root forms (or are related to the roots forms) of the wide practiced Pinan (heinan) kata. He has most recently newly revised, expanded, and illustrated edition of his bestselling book Advanced Karate-Do: Concepts, Techniques and Training Methods. He is also the author of others including Bunkai secrets of Karate Kata -the Tekki Series.
Kissaki Kai Belgium Camp 5th & 6th October 2013
Info and Booking form below
Contact Daniel san.....the Man.. with the Plan
Eastbourne UK 6th October 2012
Great Kissaki Kai Seminars with Sensei Vince Morris & Co at Eastbourne, even got Fireworks afterwards .. Many long-time Kissaki karate-ka as well as a good number of martial artists new to Kissaki Kai enjoyed the day's training. The techniques covered a variety of defensive situations as well as some new bunkai from the kata Jion, focussing on manji gamae.
"Many thanks for a fantastic day of karate yesterday. I greatly enjoyed it and (I think) learned a lot; Thanks also for the warm welcome your kissaki guys give us; their patience and eagerness to help us newcomers is amazing."
And many thanks to those who regularly travel far to attend these seminars for supporting Kissaki-Kai.
On the day one outstanding individual, Becky Grace received the Meijin "Sprirt Warrior"' award for her tireless efforts in training and support to Sensei Don Came's Karate Academy dojo in Eastbourne.
Every year the Kissaki Kai Karate USA honbu dojo holds a summer camp.
Kissaki Kai members from dojos world-wide are invited to attend as well as Martial Artists, who are not directly affiliated with Kissaki, but who are interested in the special approach to Karate that our organization takes. This years Summer Camp had a truly international attendance: Visitors from Belgium, UK, Ireland (thats us), Canada, and of course from other states in the US, namely AZ, TX, MI, OH, and DC.
Training started on Friday evening June 1st with a sweaty class held by Sensei Matt and most
enjoyed a quiet drink afterwards. Saturday’s training was located in the Blue Barn Recreation Center as the dojo would not have provided sufficient space. The first two segments were taught by Sensei Vince Morris and comprised some of the essential basic Kissaki techniques and some self-defense applications based on kata moves. This was followed by a short lunch break and a test for adults from the Marlton dojo as well as some visitors. We are congratulating a number of students on their new kyu grades, but especially Sam Stolyar on achieving his shodan, Kathy Brosof and Eva Morris on yondan, Tim Parker and Phil Oakes on godan! Very well deserved promotions!
After this interval the Belgian Head Instructor, Sensei Guy Janssens taught the kata Aragaki Seisan as well as bunkai from it and the day finished with knife defenses taught again by Sensei Vince. The well-deserved evening meal turned out to be a long drawn-out affair with many celebratory drinks consumed. The 7am start on Sunday morning scared off all but the die-hards, who enjoyed a couple of hours’ instruction by Sensei Steve and Sensei Phil Oakes from Michigan. enjoyed a quiet drink afterwards. Saturday’s training was located in the Blue Barn Recreation Center as the dojo would not have provided sufficient space. The first two segments were taught by Sensei Vince Morris and comprised some of the essential basic Kissaki techniques and some self-defense applications based on kata moves. This was followed by a short lunch break and a test for adults from the Marlton dojo as well as some visitors. We are congratulating a number of students on their new kyu grades, but especially Sam Stolyar on achieving his shodan, Kathy Brosof and Eva Morris on yondan, Tim Parker and Phil Oakes on godan! Very well deserved promotions!
More News:
Gerry attended the Sensei Vince Morris Seminars in Eastbourne East Sussex UK in March 2012
Neilly and Gerry attended the Kissaki Kai Euro Camp in Sint-Martens-Latrem, Belgium 24th & 25th September 2011.
CHECK Kissaki Kai websites for all Seminar updates & reports, and a short video clip of Belgian event **
- Congratulations to Falcarragh Karate club members who recently passed grading examinations. Conor McLean 3rd kyu , Eve Murtagh and Stephen McFadden both 6th Kyu, Ciarán McFadden and Oscar Murtagh7th Kyu, on the 3rd March and Jay Higgins/Gallagher, Fiachra Coyle,Maeve Donnelly, 7th Kyu Finn Dalton, Jack McKinley Aileen Moore 8th Kyu, Daniel Sharkey, Padraig Sweeney and Oisin Coll 9th kyu, who all passed examinations on the 4th April 2012.
- Sensei Don Came the UK Kissaki kai Chief Instructor was here for three excellent training sessions in Falcarragh and one in Claudy Karate Club. Co. Derry April 2012 check out Clips on Youtube .
- the Falcarragh karate club are delighted that Club member Gerry has achieved 4th Dan in Kissaki Kai Karate-do, (previously 4th Dan in Wado Ryu). at a Kissaki kai weekend seminar with Kissaki Kai chief Instructor Sensei Vince Morris 8th Dan, in Eastbourne England, on (7th & 8th May 2011)
- Gerry attended the Irish Martial Arts Commission (IMAC) and Coaching Ireland coach/tutor training under the IMAC Professional Coaching Development programme at the Sport and Health institute in UCD to upgrade coaching qualifications on 14th May 2011
- DON CAME Chief Instructor Kissaki-Kai UK, great seminar here in Falcarragh on Sunday, 06 March 2011 .
Previous Events
Video 20th September 2012 Sensei Rick Clark
The club Hosted many Seminars with Sensei Don Came Chief Instructor Kissaki Kai UK ( including Sunday, 06 March 2011 & 19th September 2010). 5 with Prof Rick Clark including 15th September 2011 and 8th October 2010 (as part of his Irish Tours), * two weekends with Robbie Tennant including 19th, 20th June 2010 (two sesions in Falcarragh one in Claudy KC)- Gerry Smullen attended the four ofthe last Kissaki Kai USA camps, including 2011 at Marlton Dojo and 2010 at Rowan University,NJ USA, June 2010. (and the preceding attached LETS tutor course that year in Marlton NJ ).> Gerry, Anne and Neil achieved Martial arts Coaching requirements to maintain Accreditation & advance along recognised certification standards. Gerry received Garda Vetting Certificate September 2010
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